Partner With Charlotte
Become a Partner
Partnering allows you to become a part of something larger than yourself and support those in need all across the world! Your donation will be changing lives.
Two are better than one because they have a greater return for their work.’ The bible says in Ecc 4:9. Partnership is a practical and powerful way to outwork this scripture. It is ‘together’ that we can do so much more than we can alone. If you are reading this then we want to firstly say a huge thank you for having a heart to help us reach, train, and equip more people for the sake of his kingdom. Here are two ways you can help.
1. Intercede. We believe in the power of prayer. Our prayers become a canopy of protection and a bridge of support and strength to one another. Your prayers make a difference, and we would be honoured if you would pray for strength, wisdom, and gods provision and protection as we keep advancing
2. Invest. Your financial gift will enable us to keep resourcing the lives we are called to reach. *Your seed into the soil of this ministry will enable us to see a harvest of hope restored and legacy built as you partner you provide practical help to advance, support, and train more people to make an eternal difference.
How It Works:
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Our THANK YOU to you for your partnership with any amount over $12/month gives access to TWELVE.
Make checks payable to Believes Ministries and send to:
PO Box 1108 Bel Air, MD 21014
Tax Information
The name of Charlottes ministry is Believes Ministries which is a 501c3, a non-profit with tax ID number (EIN) 45-4275134
10% of all donations received are re-invested back into other ministries and missions around the world.

“Go with God to the place where the air is purer, vantage point is clearer and his presence is nearer.”
-Charlotte Gambill