Leaning Into Grace

Charlotte Gamill

How often are we so busy doing, we forget we are actually a human being? We cannot thrive if we live from a place of striving and stress - we have to make sure we take care of our well-being and that means replenishing and rest. Easier said than done, right?

I spend a lot of time running on a treadmill, but no matter how long I spend running or how fast I go, when I stop I’m still in the same place! After all the energy I expended, I still find myself right where I started. The treadmill has the capacity to wear me out and take me nowhere fast. Where in your life has the ‘treadmill’ taken enough of your time and energy There always seems to be just another thing that needs our attention, and at times we are moving so fast we forget to stop and see the beauty we are rushing past.

In Matthew 11:28, Jesus says, ‘Come to me all you who are weary... learn the unforced rhythms of grace for your life. There is a way to do life that has this sweet ingredient called grace. Grace is where the pressure stops driving and purpose kicks in.

Grace is where you realize it’s not all on you, but there is a God who is able and for you. Grace is where you believe and hope more and allow your life to get off the treadmill of producing and onto the pathway of trusting.


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