What is twelve?

“Follow me”, an invitation that changed forever the lives of 12. 

12 who were not just willing to respond, but ready to embrace the responsibility extended to them. 12 who showed up daily to learn, grow and become disciples, a choice that would change their lives forever. 

Our lives are also a reflection of our Choices.  We are all extended that same invitation to follow Him. To become disciples of His word and His ways. To show up, so we grow into all He has called us to be. 

Welcome to 12 a community where we connect so we can commit to the journey of discipleship. Proverbs 13:20 says: ‘Those who walk with the wise become wise.’  The journey of life can be challenging, even at times overwhelming but you don’t have to do life alone.  

12 is my commitment to come alongside, encourage and strengthen you in your journey. I would be honored to partner with you, building your faith and speaking life into your future. So, if you’re ready, then why not join the journey of 12. 

Join The Community for Just $12 / Month

Interested in Furthering Your Monthly Contribution?

Give online and choose your preferred partnership level.

What’s Included?

your investment

$12 (or £12) per month for 12 months

my commitment

Each month we will focus on an area of growth communicated in the following ways: 

  • A video teaching from Charlotte at the start of each month

  • A video challenge and application from Charlotte at the end of each month 

  • Extra surprises each month, including CG store discounts, phone wallpapers & other goodies!

our impact

Your $12 dollars is seed sown into the lives of countless others as you partner with this ministry, helping us to train, equip and reach more disciples for Jesus.

the twelve hat

Join the movement and purchase a twelve hat.